Monday, January 11, 2010


Fact check: We all love our kids! We all think our particular children are unlike any other in the world. Even if you don't have kids, you know that there is someone out there that thinks that way about you! Can you guess why? It is because we all are unlike each other in very real and wonderful ways! Each and every child is their own unique entity put on this earth for a very specific reason. Austin, my son, came to me like an angel, in a time when I needed him desperately and had no idea that I did. He was my companion and sidekick for five years before I remarried. He was my constant and my touchstone. I don't think he even knows now, that when he was sleeping in his crib and I was pouring over textbooks trying to graduate from college, he was also my secret weapon. He was my own personal Jedi mind trick that I used on myself when I got tired or felt like giving up. All I had to do was look at him and I became a better person. He is my watcher and my observer. He is private and peaceful. He is loving and giving. I never could tell you how he came from me and his dad but he did. What I can tell you is that Austin is who I want to be when I grow up!

I have noticed recently that Austin will disappear when I pull out my camera. He gets "embarrassed" he says. I haven't forced it. I chalk it up to preadolescent angst. Nine is a rough year for boys. Their heads haven't grown into their new teeth. They are kind of skinny,awkward and their hair gets weird. They are, you know, not quite ripe for life yet. They are questioning everything and nothing seems to be the same. Girls are no longer gross but not exactly appealing either. So, being nine, I suppose he would rather fade a little and come back out when he grows into those teeth. He gets away with this a little because his sister(and I say this with all the love in my heart for her) is somewhat of a bulldozer. She will take over any situation and excavate the entire room in the process. I am beginning to see this in my photographs. I refuse to let this happen all that often anymore! I decided today I would take him out with me and do his nine year photos...sans sister. He did a good fading, little embarrassment, still an angel. His mother did alright too! Easy kid to work with as usual! No surprise there.


  1. What a beautiful piece Farrah. I love you both very much. He is so lucky to have you as his mom.

  2. I love the pictures. That goes without saying...

  3. Farrah, Austin is just ..well... BEAUTIFUL. In a boyish way. Your mother said it best: What a beautiful piece". Boys are so cute at his age. (personality wise) I know exactly what you are talking about in reference to the girls. But, i'll bet if you got to walk around in his little head, you would find that right now MOMMIE is his only true love! Enjoy this, because before you know it - Mommie will no longer be hugged in public, much less wanted around school or public events. I'd say you have about one year..then it's going to be ALL about those "gross girls" that are in NO WAY "gross" -at all- any more! ;-)

  4. I am so not looking forward to the day he finds them appealing.
