Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Laundry Basket

I purchased a book today on Amazon about photographing children, my favorite subjects. The reason that I left real estate and chose to teach is because there is something that working with children provides that working with adults does not...an honest, authentic experience. Children are everything that is pure and good in this world. I was young when my son was born and I was in a frenzy just to keep him alive and clothed and entertained. I didn't take the time to "smell the roses" as they would say. However, when Kate was born I made a promise to myself that I would open my eyes and watch and enjoy. Babies are very interesting. They have no reason for self service aside from survival. If their needs are met they are content. Simple. Period. They haven't been pressed upon yet. Everything about their attitude and demeanor has to do with the present moment. They don't hold grudges because mommy left their diaper wet too long last night. If they are crying about a moment...it is because it is happening now. I took this and thought about it and how wonderfully blissful it would be to not recall past wrongs or avenge some honor lost....to live only in the moment and just require what is needed in that moment. My sister-in-law quotes Mark Twain during times of worry, " I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened”. I like this quote because I am a worrier. This fact itself worries me. People get sick from worry. People get depressed from worry. I have no interest in being sick or depressed. However, not worrying about much worries me so I am a little stuck. What I try to do now is to live my moments in life as authentically as I can....enjoy my little times that make me smile where I am getting all that I need from the people around me.
The picture above is a technically bad picture....bad lighting, messy room, messy kids sitting in a laundry basket. Even so, It is one of my favorites and every time I look at it I smile. My children were playing in the "ship" and Austin was the evil pirate. It isn't really the story about what was going on that I love. I love that I am in the time where my children can both fit snugly in a laundry basket enjoying each other in a way that I am sure will change in the next few years. Austin will become a teenager and Kate will be interested in other things. They will not fit in that basket together. I will surely look back at this picture and think "I can't believe they were ever both small enough to fit". I used to think similarly about my heart. I remember when I was pregnant with Kate, I couldn't believe I would ever love another child like I loved Austin. But what I didn't know was that a spot had already been carved in my heart for her. Her own perfect place just like Austin's. They both fit so snugly there now.


  1. Wow, I love your thoughts. How did I raise a child that is so in the moment? You are fabulous.

  2. And the purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. You can do that only if you have curiosity, an unquenchable spirit of adventure. The experience can have meaning only if
    you understand it. You can understand it only if you have arrived at some knowledge of yourself, a knowledge based on a deliberately and usually
    painfully aquired self-dicipline, which teaches you to cast out fear and frees you for the fullest experience of the adventure of life" -E. Roosevelt
    Good Stuff Farrah Cobb!!!!!

  3. Farrah, I am amazed by you! YOUR age in years of life - just cannot be correct! Your writing projects a MUCH older soul (filled with such spirit and wisdom!) As I read each one of your blogs that very fact keeps coming to mind. I learned about "old souls" when my boys were very small. My friend Erin Reinstra introduced me to that term, and just exactly what it meant to be one! Her daughter Barry was also a "very old soul". God bless you my dear! Your life will be nothing if not completely filled with joy and love! I love you my precious sweet Farrah..and will never forget what wonderful time you gave to my two children and how much we all in turn love you for it -to this very day!

  4. I love your pic here on the blog...your precious angel who became my blueprint for what all children should be modeled after...sweet sweet Travis. Angel numero uno!
